Model Releases and Your Photography Business

As a photographer, one of the best ways to bring attention to your blossoming business is to share your fantastic work with others. Today, social media makes this easier than ever before. As a photographer you own the copyright to the photos that you take. But, did you know sharing your photographs might be putting you at risk? Privacy laws prohibit you from using photographs of your clients in a commercial manner without their permission. Doing so could expose you to a lawsuit. 

Fortunately, there is a simple fix. A model release is a contract that allows you to use the images of those you photograph.  You may also receive the right to license the photographs, that is, charge others to use the images.

There are additional considerations when children become involved.  A release involving a minor may not be enforceable, regardless of whether it is signed by the minor or the parents.

To have a model release prepared specifically to meet your needs, or to speak with an attorney about your photography business, contact Ventures Law Firm today.

As always, this is general information. I am a lawyer, but I am not your lawyer, at least not yet. A blog post should not be construed as specific legal advice and this blog does not in any way create an attorney-client relationship.